Aluminium Windows in AucklandWhy You Should Get Bifold Windows

Why You Should Get Bifold Windows

Whether it’s an eye-catching view you want to enjoy, you need to create a feeling of space, or you love to throw open the windows to let fresh air in, then installing bifold windows brings the outside, in.

Bifold windows are worth the expense. They help to capture the views, whether it’s rolling hillsides, the sea, your gorgeous garden, or the kids playing safely under your watchful eye outside. Bifold windows also create a sense of open space and free flow between your indoor and outdoor setting. Since bifold windows open to the side, they can be pushed aside to provide an expansive view and unparalleled access to the outdoors – more so than any other type of window arrangement, giving you maximum ventilation as well as natural light into your space.

Installed internally between kitchen and the dining area, they give you the additional advantage of being able to pass and serve dishes right from stove to table.

Bifold windows work particularly well to maximise smaller spaces, giving your living and working quarters a seamless indoor-outdoor flow. If you’re building a new home or refitting your current space, bifold windows are perfect for open plan spaces, for kitchens next to the backyard, or for bedrooms and lounges overlooking an outdoor space like a patio or covered carpark or porch.

How do bifold windows work?

Bifold windows come in pairs, in multiples of two. You start with a set of two and then add on increments of two, based on the breadth of the space you want to fit. Mounted at the top on tracks with rollers on the base, they create hinged panels that slide to side.

Window Factory’s bifold doors and bifold windows are mounted on heavy duty rollers, making them highly durable and reliable over the long term, with no worries about replacing parts or undertaking repairs.

Bifold windows are smooth operators

The top hung, bottom rolling system means these windows give quiet operation, with no malfunctions or sticking. Their rolling system means our bifold windows slide open and shut in a smooth, silent, seamless motion. Once open, they fold unobtrusively to the side, taking up less space than traditional windows.

Bifold windows are easy to secure

The majority of bifold window designs feature a multi-point system for locking, usually between three and five spots on the window where they can be secured. This offers a sense of safety and additional security than a single locking system which is easier to destroy or tamper with. Bifold doors and windows are more difficult to break into than other window styles.

If you want additional security when you are travelling, or if the room with the bifold windows has precious things, then you can install additional locking mechanisms.

Bifold windows are attractive and easy to maintain

Bifold windows require very little maintenance and withstand years of wear and tear. A simple annual check up and cleaning with a wet cloth should keep your windows clean and functioning optimally for many years.

You want your choice of windows to be attractive too. We offer bifold windows in a huge range of colour and finish options, you can choose what works for your space and specific needs – and we can customise if required.

Bifold windows offer a substantial benefit that traditional windows don’t, by folding back, completely opening the space. This requires the designer to take this into account and leave space to the side for when the windows are open. Our bifold windows open outwards or inwards, so you can tailor the design to maximise your space.

Do bifold windows leak?

One of the most frequent customer concerns we address is whether there are leakage issues with bifold windows. Bifold windows, when installed, operated and closed correctly, do not leak. They are water-fast and gap-free, no wind whistling in through seams or cracks.

The benefits of our bifold windows are doubled if you chose thermally efficient glass. This special glazing helps you keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter, while cutting noise from outside too.

Are bifold windows expensive?

Bifold windows and doors are constructed from aluminium. This is a more expensive material than wood, but it is also much stronger, sturdier and more durable. Alongside this, aluminium is more energy efficient than wood or uPVC. While your initial investment will be higher with aluminium bifold doors and windows, you reap the benefits in the long run. They also offer unsurpassed style and ease of function that ensure your home has those special extras that make life better.

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